Can you believe this weather we are having? Well, you might not if you aren't here in Colorado! It's supposed to be 60 today! And I'm stuck at home with a sick child (strep)... and I got a book I've been waiting for in the mail for 2 months today! So should I hunker down and read or break out that awesome March kit which I just got on Saturday? It's a tough choice. But, given that I am going to have to send off to have photos printed at Walgreens (my primary computer is down and out right now), maybe I'll print then read the rest of the day!
I don't know about you but I feel like I've hardly had a break this month. I was supposed to post on Valentine's Day but had a sick child home and issues with the computer as well (it's neverending! thankfully my new motherboard should be here today and I'm praying it takes care of my problems!).
So I have no scanner and I'm really not used to photographing my layouts but that's all I can do for now. So I'll share all three of my layouts for the month and here's hoping to a much better next month!
Hope you enjoy! And can find some time to scrap. I'm getting ready :) slowly!
It's that time of month again! Time for March's Sketch Challenge...
I was offered this month's sketch challenge and I TOOK IT! Now that I have a niece and I FINALLY have some girly layouts to create, I can't get enough of February's kit. I've still got some pieces left and I'm determined to make at least 3 more layouts out if it! Here's one of them, using the sketch....
Let's see some other layouts using this sketch. Just create and link up in the comments section of this post! Can't wait to check them out!
Today was suppose to be a day off for us, but that didn't happen. The kids all had to go to school to make up for one of their snow days. I started a new job today, going from SAHM to Full Time Working Mom. And my Work-From-Home-Hubby had to go into the office today. So it was pretty much just a Monday for all of us. What does all that have to do with scrapping you ask? Not much! But because today's the 21st, that does mean we are only a few days away from March which means a new kit!! Who is excited about that?! I am! Check out the peeks here. And if you haven't signed up yet, then you need to go here!
So - reminder! This is an ALMOST full reveal. I am still waiting for two embellishments to arrive. That's the bad news, if that's what you call it.
The good news - this kit is already PACKED!!
Even without the additional embellishments!
This is the first month of $40.00 kits for just $29.95. I checked earlier and, as of right now, there are less than 5 subscription spots left. So if you're on the fence, sign up for your subscription NOW! (And if you buy a past kit to count as your January kit, you can also be included in the Year of the Sussies loyalty program!!!)
March will feature Nikki Sivils We Are Family (a new vendor for us - YAY!) and My Little Shoebox Harmony (a sold out almost everywhere line - YAY!)
Sometimes I have a group of pictures that I have no idea how to scrap! Last fall, we went to a farm and they had an area where kids could roll around and play in corn. I really liked the pictures, but was unsure how it would play out in a layout. The cloud paper from the February kit came to the rescue! It really reminded me of popcorn, and the puffy flowers also completed the look. So, next time you are having some scrappers block, just think out of the box when using papers and embellishments:)
I just wanted to get a note out there to everyone that the March Full Reveal is a little bit delayed! This always happens with the kits that are super close to CHA! I am waiting for a few embellishments from vendors that were just released. The good news is that I have spoken with these vendors and they have told me that the items will be shipping to me either today or tomorrow! So expect a FULL FULL release by next Monday at the latest.
I'll post a SORT OF FULL reveal of what I already have later today or tomorrow!
So sorry for the delay! I guess it's just the price of getting the latest and greatest products as quickly as they are out, eh?
the kit this month was a blast to play with! one of the first things that popped into my head when i saw it was "sisters".... and i created 2 pages with these 2 sisters this month.....
on this page, i pulled out an older picture of my older girls, when there was just 2 sisters and found it fit perfectly with these fun bold papers...
and a new page from this last summer.... they sure have grown!!!
I had a lot of fun with some of the papers in the February kit and fussy cutting. My favorite piece to cut from was this one from the American Crafts, City Park collection: Here are the layouts I used these cut out circles on:
And a close up from that last one. This was my favorite:Those Prima Pebbles look so good in the centers, don't they?!
It's so exciting! It's the first month of the $40.00 kits! We're very close to running out of subscription spots. So hurry and get on board before you have to be waitlisted!!
Remember, the kits will now have a retail value of $40.00, but will only cost you, the subscriber, $29.95. In addition, we've worked really hard to get you lots of different embellishments that we'll break up for you - allowing you to actually use up the embellishments up instead of adding another partially used package to your stash!
There will be some CHA product in this kit. I'm holding my breath and crossing my fingers that the product arrives timely! Keep your fingers crossed, too!
March will feature My Little Shoebox Harmony and Nikki Sivils (a new vendor for us!!) We Are Family lines. I spoke with the owner of My Little Shoebox and she told me that her Harmony line sold out so quickly that it is very hard to find! So that's a little fun thing for all you Sussies subbers!!
Any questions about the kits, the Year of the Sussie, the add-ons, whatever, feel free to email me at
Hi! It's Valerie here, with a couple of cards to share with you. The February kit had so many embellishments and papers that I just loved. They were perfect for some cheerful greetings. Have a great Monday!
This is a huge shout out to my gal, Ruth T.! She must talk about Sussies kits a lot because, all of a sudden, I was getting a bunch of orders from right around her hometown. At first, I didn't know who was talking Sussies up, but then I got an email from Ruth saying that some of her friends surprised her at a crop by pulling out 'their Sussies kits, too!' LOL!
So, Ruth sent me a pic of herself with her two friends, Stacy L and Heather W, all at a recent crop. They're adorable and I just love that they're sharing!
Because they're all on board because Ruth spread the Sussies Love, each of the three is receiving a special $20.00 extra 'Sussie' along with their February kit!
You, too, could get extra sussies in your kit! Just chat us up and get your friends on board, get together and scrap, and send us the pics! I can even do combined shipping if that helps to entice you! All you gotta do is ask!
Thanks, Ruth! MWAH!!
Here they all are... HOW CUTE ARE THEY?!?!
I wanna come and crop with you guys!!!
P.S. - Ruth also got her friend, Maggie S. to subscribe, too. She must have been the one taking the pic! That or she wasn't invited! LOL! Just kidding! I heard through the grapevine that she had to work...
First and foremost, the February kit is up. This kit is simply delightful. It includes BOTH American Crafts City Park and Bella Blvd Sunny, Happy Skies lines.
Now is the time to subscribe!
REMEMBER - beginning next month, these awesome kits are going to cost $29.95 for a $40.00 kit! EVERY MONTH! THE LATEST PRODUCT AT THE GREATEST PRICES!
For those of you in the Year of the Sussie 2011, you'll be getting some free cardstock to add to your personal stash along with this kit. I'm happy to be sending that out to everyone involved!
CHA REPORT: Whew! What a whirlwind trip. I got out to L.A. on Friday afternoon, in time to go to Santa Monica pier and go for a run along the beach. That was pretty cool! (Be sure to check out my video of the crazy Sheraton parking garage... it made me laugh!)
Then, I spent all day Saturday at the show (from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.) I did stop to eat! LOL! I was happy to see the convention center had sushi available (only in L.A.). For those of you who know me, you know I love my Golden Oreos. So I was a little bit unhappy to see they only offered regular oreos...
After the show, I spent Saturday night from 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. working out the spreadsheets. I'm sad right now that I didn't take pictures of the catalogs open and spread out all over my hotel room!
Getting up bright and early, I spent the day at the show on Sunday, placing orders. I did, after that, have time to meet up with some great ladies for dinner. When asked if I wanted a pint of beer or the larger one, I chose the larger one. I didn't hear what she called it, but this is what came to the table! LOL! It was pretty funny to drink out of that glass. Towards the end, I was worried that the beer that was left would completely splash me in the face. It took a lot of concentration!
So those were the CHA adventures... But I'm guessing you guys want pics from the show, too. Never fear!!
Look at all that yummy stuff!!!! Bet you can't wait to be getting that is your Sussies kits!!
Welcome to Scrapbook Sussies - where we are sending kits of yummy scrapbook fun to customers one month at a time!
Our kits are two sided - so it's like getting two kits instead of one! We're also embellishment heavy - making sure you have tons of fun embellishments to try with each kit!