Hello everyone! Happy MAY! I am stunned that there are only two weeks left in our school year here in Colorado. It's just crazy!!! The weather has been decidedly cool and I'm ready for some warmer days. In the meantime, I'll keep dreaming of my upcoming trip to Hawaii to celebrate my 10 year anniversary! And speaking of that, if you haven't received the newsletter, that Hawaii trip does run over June 1st. So, the June kits will be delayed in their ship dates. I return on June 6th and will get them out to you ASAP! I hope this doesn't inconvenience anyone too much!
Stick with this post and you'll see the June kit sneak peeks down at the bottom. June will feature the lines of Crate Paper Paper Doll and Imaginisce Scooter's Vacation! Add-Ons go up for sale on May 15th (along with a couple of good special edition kits...) And, if you like what you see, you could gain yourself a chance to win one of the June kits (or get yours for free if you're already a subscriber...)
Sussies really lives on word of mouth recommendations.
I need your help in spreading the Sussies Love!!
Last month, we did a Get Your Blog On contest (winners are posted on the Year of the Sussies update page). Any subscriber could post on their blog about Sussies and get entered into the contest...
This month, we're including EVERYONE!!! Anybody who has a blog, just post about Sussies on your blog. We'd love for you to post good things, of course, but you can say whatever you want... Just make sure to include a link to the Sussies website, www.scrapbooksussies.com. Then, email me a link to your blog (email to info@scrapbooksussies.com). Once I see the post, your name will be entered into the drawing which will be held at the end of the month. OH - and if I see another link to Sussies posted somewhere on your blog, your name will be entered twice...
Don't have a blog??? DON'T WORRY! You can still be included! All you have to do is send an email out to your scrappy friends, telling them about Scrapbook Sussies. (DON'T FORGET TO SEND THEM A LINK!!!) CC me (info@scrapbooksussies.com) on the email and then your name will be entered.
Good luck to everyone!!!
And, now, to all of you who patiently read through all of that, here are the sneak peeks...